UTS designs and manufactures watches with engineering techniques used in modern industry. Each watch case is made completely in-house on our own modern equipment. And each watch is assembled by Nicolaus Spinner himself. A watch is only an UTS when the tightest demands of the design specifications are met and exceeded.
Dear customers and friends of UTS watches ,
My passion and love to mechanical watches gave me the inspiration to develop, design and manufacture high precision watches.
Having access to modern CNC and machine tools which can turn and mill solid stainless steel bar stock to produce precision components to a tolerance of a few thousands of a millimeter Allows me to
personally fabricate each watch case in-house.
As a university qualified engineer, I only trusts my own precise calculations.
As a result, the manufacturing tolerances are exact, and all detail items, such
as shafts, crowns, pushers, and seals, are not standard components but represent wholly individual engineering solutions.
Since 1999, I have been building our high quality German made watch cases.
We accept only the highest levels in form, function and precision. Testing and quality control are part of the manufacturing process of every UTS watch case, guaranteeing the high quality that is UTS. Naturally UTS is a small volume manufacturer and the capacity is limited to few hundreds of watches per year.
This guarantees exclusivity which is also respected by our valued worldwide customers. And this philosophy and motivation will remain unchanged.
I hope you will enjoy my watches, and if you are in the North American region I invite you to visit my business partner Stephen Newman's website www.utswatches.com
UTS Watches, Inc. North America
Yours Nicolaus Spinner
Biography / Short Info about UTS
founded as an engineering company in 1999, UTS became quickly known for high precision watches.
Form without function is useless for our demanding clients. Under the watchful eye of an engineer, a UTS watch becomes a genuine masterpiece.
Rock solid – unbreakable. Watches are precision instruments.
Worldwide, the watch enthusiasts who acquire UTS watches love the watches rigidity,
their specially manufactured cases, and the absolutely functionality they deliver under all conditions.
Such enthusiasts can appreciate the perfection of the technical solutions the watches offer,
down to the smallest detail as well,
as the clean sports design the watches display.